
This website contains imagery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who may now be deceased.


Hitnet brings information and services to the hardest to reach people in the world.


As organisations continue to shift their services online, particularly in response to COVID-19, Hitnet breaks down barriers to provide connection, access and information to the half of the world who are digitally excluded.

Hitnet enables a digital ecosystem that can provide opportunity and prosperity for people living in remote locations and welcomes the Australian Government’s Closing the Gap Target 17 “By 2026, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have equal levels of digital inclusion”.


Hitnet Mobile App

Mobile data is expensive, and health content can be private and personal. With the Hitnet mobile app and using the Community WiFi, users can download their content to watch and re-watch later at home.


Community Hubs

Our touchscreen Hubs, both indoor and outdoor, help people to connect, be informed and engaged with the digital economy through curated and frequently updated content.


Community WiFi

Hitnet Wi-Fi Hotspots enable the digital ecosystem around the Hitnet Hubs and act as an on-ramp to the digital world. Free for mobile phone users, they guide inexperienced users to curated websites and apps.


Co-created Content

We know that there is a difference between simply providing access to content and actually making content accessible. This is why we work with our clients and communities to co-create the content.


Accessible knowledge. Transforming lives.

Our work has a clear focus on digitally excluded and marginalised communities around the world. Hitnet’s digital platform is co-designed with the communities we’re located in.


Latest news

In June 2021, Hitnet and ThoughtWorks were finalists and Merit Award winners at the NSW State iAwards for the development of the innovative Hitnet Mobile App.

Watch our video pitch to find out more.


who we work with